Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to Make Pepper Jack Cheese

There are hundreds of great cheese recipes that you can learn but few people think about the fact that they can actually make cheese types as well. A great example is pepper jack cheese, which you can make in the comfort of your own home. Let us see how this is done. 

The first thing you need to do to create pepper jack cheese is to heat milk till around 88 degrees Farenheit. This is when the starter needs to be added and then you just wait for the milt to properly ripen at ninety degrees for around 30 minutes. If needed you can add diluted calcium chloride and then add finely chopped peppers. Remember that there are different peppers that can be used but these are the ones that are recommended by chefs that created cheese recipes. Make sure that you stir till everything is properly blended.
Now you will need to add diluted rennet and then let the cheese boil for another 30 minutes. The curd should be cut in cubes of a quarter of an inch and have to set for 40 minutes. Heat them to 100 degrees for half an hour and let them set for 5 minutes. The whey should be poured till the curd levels and wait 30 minutes while stirring every 5 minutes in order to avoid matting. A temperature of 200 degrees should be maintained.
The rest of the process is really easy and similar to any other cheese that you might want to make. The only real difference stands in the shape that you want to offer. Most people prefer a rectangular one for pepper jack cheese so you will want to press it while in the cheesecloth-lined mold with a wait for around 15 minutes. Turn it and press on the other side as well.
Waxing the pepper jack cheese might be a little more difficult. You need to first cool it properly in a refrigerator for at least half a day and melt the wax in a good double boiler. Apply it with natural bristle brushes and allow a few minutes to pass for cooling purposes. Remember that cheese was will dry very quickly and you will need a minimum of 2 thin coats in order to properly protect your cheese. The aging of pepper jack cheese needs to be done at 55 degrees for 1 to 4 months. In the event that you used raw milk you will need a minimum of 2 months. The more you make it age the sharper the taste that is going to be obtained. 

Pepper Jack cheese can be used in numerous cheese recipes, especially when talking about cheese snacks. It is not that easy to make at home but with a little practice you will quickly notice that it is also not difficult. Just have patience and you will get the hang of it. 

1 comment:

  1. You sure about maintaining 200 degrees? I think you meant to write 100 degrees, no?
